Help, I feel stuck...

Help, I feel stuck...

In my time coaching professionals, I’ve identified several factors that commonly keep people stuck in work roles, and even careers, that no longer suit them. Although for the individual this trap feels real and limiting, there are always options, but it can be difficult for them to see the possibilities themselves.  

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Are you questioning the status quo?

Are you questioning the status quo?

For many hard-working, caring professionals, mid-life (40’s – 50’s) is a common time for questioning the status quo. Energy levels change and domestic, and work situations do too.

The prospect of one or two decades more in the same work environment or having the same day-to-day experience, may not seem desirable or even practical.

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It's 'about time'...

It's 'about time'...

In this video, I'm talking about time - because, in my experience, it really relates to the satisfaction and dissatisfaction that we feel in our work, life and career. It's really important to me that I feel I'm doing something satisfying and enjoyable with my life. In the video, I share some of my personal experiences around this and share some questions to get you thinking about what it means for you.

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What work life balance?

What work life balance?

What I now know in practise in a way I used to know only in theory, is that work life balance is a choice. It doesn’t feel like a choice when you face a to-do list as long as your arm and are perhaps in overdrive. When your calendar is booked up for weeks ahead and you are the lynch pin to the many responsibilities you have on your plate right now. However, it is a choice and you have the power to slow down and create more time for you and the things you are currently missing out on, the moment you choose to.

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I used to love my career...

I used to love my career...

In the first stage of my career I started and grew a creative business. I ran it for fifteen years. For most of those years I was passionate about and committed to my work and business. I enjoyed the many challenges, got a buzz out of pushing beyond my limits on a regular basis. I thrived on developing specialist knowledge and expertise. I felt empowered by the responsibility and the status this work afforded me.

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What is burnout?

What is burnout?

A lot of my clients arrive at my door feeling tired, jaded, over-burdened or worse. They are suffering burnout. It’s understandable. They are passionate, capable people who have been working hard for decades, delivering value for their employers, colleagues, businesses and clients, and doing their very best for their families, friends and the communities they are part of.

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Characteristics of overdrive

Characteristics of overdrive

Overdrive is a habit of relentlessly pushing oneself towards goal posts that move further away, usually across most aspects of life. There’s always a new achievement to reach for. Good enough isn’t a thing for someone stuck in overdrive. It has got to be the best. Rarely, if ever, do over-drivers own their successes and achievements. They’re usually too busy focusing on what’s still to do, what’s next, and on the aspects where their performance fell short.

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Loss of enjoyment is a cost of overdrive

Loss of enjoyment is a cost of overdrive

Reclaiming enjoyment starts with noticing where and when enjoyment is missing then making small tweaks and changes to get some quick wins and put foundations in place for the longer term. In this video I’ll give you some tips on how to start reclaiming enjoyment.

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Making time for self-care

Making time for self-care

Self-care is any activity that we do deliberately to take of our mental, emotional and physical health. Although it's a simple concept in theory, it's something we very often overlook. Good self-care is key to improved mood and reduced anxiety, good relationship with oneself and others, health and fitness, creativity and resilience. Self-care enables us to work and play and enjoy life more.

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