Not your average clients

Characteristics common to most clients I work with are; passionate, hardworking, ambitious, caring, accomplished, expert, experienced, successful. What’s also true often is because they’re always striving for better for the businesses, organisations, and people they lead, they don’t spend much time acknowledging their achievements or considering their own personal desires, requirements, and wellbeing. 

This can put them at risk of burnout, ill health and missing out on the non-professional experiences that make a life well lived – fun, love, self-expression, recreation, peace, satisfaction, or missing the opportunity to pursue what their heart really desires while they still have time and energy. 


These seasoned mid-lifers find their way to me for push or pull reasons. Often both. They recognise that continuing to run fast all day every day is no longer sustainable or enjoyable. Sometimes there’s a buried dream as yet unrealised that has nagged at them for years and deserves to see the light of day. 

To make the impact they want, in a way that is enjoyable and sustainable, they need to re-prioritise, re-focus and re-calibrate. 


So we embark together on a big and little adventure. The big stuff includes entertaining their wildest dreams, reimagining what’s possible in the next chapter of life, strategically making changes towards their new vision, and handling the inevitable fears, doubts and uncertainties that go with change. 

The little stuff is the incrementally organic, baby-step-by-baby-step daily journey that meanders, ebbs and flows, through highs and lows, in the direction of their carefully crafted New Chapter.  

I’ve put ‘do not disturb’ on my phone and told people I don’t want disturbing. I’ve continued to prioritise me. I’ve filled my spare time with all sorts of events and nice things to do.
— Client

The ultimate success measure for my coaching is helping a client to a triple win - an inspiring purpose to move towards, an energising, enlivening, sense of freedom, choice, appreciation, and meaning every day, and the tools and attitudes to maintain connection with both, regardless of what detours and bumps in the road life inevitably throws up. 

My clients are without exception powerful bright sparks. They keep me on my toes. I draw on 30 years of coaching expertise, and business and career success, and also on wisdom gleaned from navigating personal pains and healings, to bespoke the pathway through my proven New Chapter system for each unique individual. 


This journey, I tell prospective clients before they commit, is not for the feint hearted. It’s true. It takes guts and determination to forge a New Chapter from the inside out. The results are worth it, they tell me, with knobs on. Plus, we laugh quite a lot along the way. 

If you feel a New Chapter calling you and would value the opportunity to voice your thoughts, feelings, questions, I have availability for initial, free, no-obligation exploratory conversations. Book now

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