You're here because you're ready to grow and evolve.

I’m here to help you.

But what’s my story?

(It might sound familiar)

Boxes? Ticked. Accolades? Amassed. For years, I chased the glittering mirage of success.

Yet a gnawing emptiness lingered. The rat race had me paddling furiously. But joy felt like a distant shore.

For most of my life, I have reached for outward success. Which meant that by my 40s, I’d ticked a lot of boxes without fully feeling the deep fulfilment I craved.
I began to feel less like I was enjoying my achievements, and more like I was scrambling to keep up. 

Then my world shifted radically.

In the space of two years, my world transformed. A divorce, the loss of three dear friends, my son's growing independence and a burn out, meant I had to confront the truth:

Life is finite. And my life wasn't aligned with my soul.

I chose to consciously design a work life that resonates with meaning, joy and self-respect.

Following this radical shift, I replaced grit and grind with prescience and resilience, which now allows me to enjoy my work – and life – like never before. 

How was I able to do that for myself?

I drew on the rich professional and personal know-how and experience I gained from: 

  • Learning how to profitably live my passion as an artist running my own architectural glass business for 15 years.

  • Teaching and studying human potential for 30 years, helping all sorts of people create results and enjoy the process.

  • 15 years of extensive coaching experience, which gave me a privileged insight into work and life challenges in these fast-paced times. I’ve worked with over a thousand individuals: entrepreneurs, business teams, leaders and students, across the corporate, public and private sectors. Every interaction helped me become the highly skilled coach I am today.

I’m a proud advocate for a healing/therapeutic approach. One of my most valued skills is in deep coaching, going to the root, not just the branch. I have an abundance of practical expertise, including in:

  • Coaching

  • Career development

  • Personal development

  • Business development

  • Creativity

  • Innovation

  • Empowerment

  • Motivational interviewing

  • Appreciative enquiry

  • Positive psychology

  • Self-esteem development

  • Visioning

  • The power of purpose

  • Burnout prevention and recovery

  • Project management

  • Law of attraction

And guess what? All of this paid off big time.

Because I love this work. The privilege of helping people like you to unlock their own hidden potential. Of helping to turn their ‘what ifs’ into "woohoo, I did it!" moments.

I'm not about fluffy affirmations.

I'm about deep, transformative work that leads to tangible results: increased confidence, choice, freedom, alignment. But above all, the unbeatable experience of being the real you – authentic, fully yourself, living life in your way.

Mine has been a deep healing journey. I’ve turned my battle scars, mistakes, vulnerabilities into my strengths and purpose.

Eventually, this journey led me to you.

At this point more than any other, the world needs people like you.

You are a beautiful, resourceful, loving human being. You’ve achieved a lot and have more to contribute to the world, even if you sometimes doubt this.

I will guide and encourage your transition to the next stage of your life as you gather all that you are and bring it together in service of the next bold chapter.

As we walk the path together, I will always:

  • Believe in the best of you.

  • Be on your side to help you be your best self.

  • Respect and listen to you.

  • Lovingly challenge you.

I traded burnout for meaning, joy and fulfilment.

That’s my story. Now, it's time for yours.

Book a free discovery call